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28 / September / 2023

Lysaght and the Katova High School Project in the Solomon Islands

We're pleased to share a heartwarming update from the Solomon Islands, where the Katova High School project is taking shape, thanks to the collective efforts of volunteers and community members. After a 3-year hiatus due to the pandemic, it was invigorating to see the team back on site, making significant strides in building a brighter future for the local community.

The project involved constructing two new classroom blocks, each comprising two large classrooms and a teacher's office. The team faced challenges, including inclement weather, but their resilience and determination saw them through.

In line with our commitment to community and quality, Lysaght contributed sheets of CUSTOM ORB® in Shale Grey™ for the roofing of the new high school buildings. This material choice not only serves the immediate need but also stands as a long-lasting solution.

Beyond the classrooms, the project extended to vital infrastructure, such as a comprehensive water supply system and significant earth-moving activities, all aimed at creating a conducive environment for learning.

We commend the hard work of everyone involved, from the volunteers who traveled from various parts of Australia to the local community members who welcomed them with open arms. Special thanks to the Solomon Islands Community Health and Development Project for spearheading this initiative.

For those interested in contributing to this impactful project, you can reach out to the coordinator, Rod Peet, at [email protected].